18 junio 2007

The Surrealist Nightmare Survival Test

Your Score: Oxen like dumbness

You scored 65 Shape Shifting, 65 Outwittingthing, 75 Retromorph, and 71 Innovation!

U_R- STTUUU- pa- id ufortunately Like a battle oxen Battle oxen engage! Chances of survival 20,30 percents.

You scored higher than 38% on Shape Shifting
You scored higher than 60% on Outwittingthing
You scored higher than 97% on Retromorph
You scored higher than 79% on Innovation

Link: The Surrealist Nightmare Survival Test

Bleh... mucho tiempo ya sin publicar nada. Pero en fin, simplemente ahora pongo lo que saqué en uno de los tests MAS estupidos que me han tocado Xd

